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The Revenue of the US's Biggest Brands

Last month,  offered five business predictions for 2016 in Forbes. Since he begins with "this coming year may be the most challenging since 2008 to 2010", this sets off warning bells in the minds of many. Michael Evans prediction begins with "2016 holds a lot of challenges for business growth and expansion, and smart CEOs and investors should position themselves for a highly volatile year".: Does this language cause you to pause?

1. Expect gradually increasing interest rates and tougher credit for business.

2. Lower oil prices into mid-year followed by gradual increases in the cost of oil.

3. This will be the year of the mega-merger.

4. It will be a challenging growth year for middle-market companies.

5.  It will be politics as usual—and the gap widens!

With questions of challenges, mergers and changes in politics... you may be looking more closely at opportunities and challenges.

"2016 holds a lot of challenges for business growth and expansion, and smart CEOs and investors should position themselves for a highly volatile year." - Michael Evans

Recently, a Forbes article by Bruce McCain shared thoughts about trends to watch for in 2016. We have already seen the Fed increase interest rates for the first time in almost ten years and while it is a small change, some say "watch for more". 

Forbes article reviewed points about five key economic trends:

2016 trendsIndustrial production will be pivotal for GDP growth in 2016

2016 trendsConsumer spending could fuel economic growth

2016 trendsInternational trade will be critical for U.S. production and world growth

2016 trendsCurrency trends will remain challenging, but the dollar’s rise should slow

2016 trendsThe (long-term) inflation firewall may start to erode

By connecting the dots as it relates to geography and the largest companies in each state, we can watch trends of revenue, profit, employment, etc. 

This infographic below breaks down the biggest companies per state by revenue for both 2014 and 2015.

Next, the five biggest company by revenue is identified for 6 major world regions. Click on the infographic to enlarge.

The Revenue of the US's Biggest Brands - BookYourData.com - Infographic
Source: BookYourData.com - Click the infographic to enlarge

Reviewing the articles from experts on Forbes, the infographic and the top companies in each state might offer a different perspective. If this information nudges your thoughts to include "we need to get more productivity from our team.", you will want to look closely at the warehouse carts with portable power. (aka mobile workstations)  

We can provide mobile workstations, picking carts, POS carts, receiving carts and portable retail carts. With the integrated portable power package, improved productivity is almost "instant".

Use this interactive warehouse map to determine which type of equipment to consider:

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