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What does it mean to be Lean Six Sigma? [infographic]

The purpose of Lean is to deliver value to customers by removing all waste, overburden and variation from processes.   The first step is to create a Lean culture . . . and then continuously improve processes to exceed customer expectations. A true lean culture is when the first question is always why (purpose) and then what (action) so problems are solved by everyone (people).

Included in the process of developing a lean culture, you will include a Gemba Walk through the plant or warehouse and identify the seven deadly wastes:

  1. Defects
  2. Inventory
  3. Processing
  4. Motion
  5. Overproduction
  6. Waiting
  7. Conveyance

There are many benefits of adopting Lean Six Sigma for a business, particularly in the areas of productivity and profitability. Eliminating wasteful practices and overly complicated processes help a business operate economically. Eradicating excess inventory, overproduction and transportation processes can help a company save money and time.

To better understand what it means to transform to a Lean Six Sigma culture, review the infographic from Jabil:

Lean Six Sigma Infographic

Infographic courtesy of JABIL  

If you’re not familiar with Jabil, they are a manufacturing organization that produces circuits. In the world of continuous improvement, Lean, and Six Sigma, Jabil is an organization that is respected for their dedication to the Lean management philosophy and their sincere practice of Lean throughout their company.

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Not sure what type mobile computer carts or printer cart workstation your business needs? 

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