Would you like to TRY a mobile powered workstation BEFORE YOU BUY? |
Curious to see the impressive results when you remove 30–50% of wasted motion? |
Need to experience a proven approach to get the most out of your wireless network? |
Been wondering what kind of impact worker mobility could have on efficiency and productivity? |
With the EvaluStationTM Program You Can!With our NO-RISK EvaluStationTM program, you can try a Newcastle Systems Mobile Powered Workstation for an evaluation period of up to 2 weeks.Get proof of concept in your facility with your operators and your equipment. Just pay the in-bound freight charge, and we'll take care of the rest. |
Proven Results from Mobile Power:
- Blow away your dock to stock numbers
- Remove entire shifts in receiving
- Eliminate temp labor
- Increase inventory accuracy
- Reduce worker fatigue and injury
- Improve customer satisfaction
Newcastle Systems has thousands of installs worldwide that are generating tremendous results in receiving, shipping, picking and more. Over $100 million saved annually!
Ideal facilities for evaluation include:
- Installed wireless network
- Solid floors
- Wireless barcode printers (if label printing)
- Buy-in and support from your IT department
Contact your Account Manager HERE for more information...or CALL US directly at 781-935-3450.